Freediving Blog

getting closer…

Weather has picked up very nicely the last few days. The peak of Agung has been clear, the sun shining and the water warm and clear. The last few days have seen some very pleasant free-diving. All hail the return of sunny days... Onsite, things here have been plodding...

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Free-diving is for everyone…

Or at least almost everyone... If you watch TV and follow forums on the sport it's easy to believe that you have to be young, ultra-fit and preferably beautiful to free-dive, that it's a past-time of aquatic supermen, and smoking hot babes in Mono-fins. The media...

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Free-diving in primordial soup, Bali.

There are days on the deep line when the waters of Bali are so full of translucent life that the ocean seems like evolutionary stew.  So many different jellyfish and combjellies, wriggling, pulsating and spiralling elementary forms of life. If you look closely the...

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A friend in need…

Free-diving rescue in water. The vast majority of loss of motor control(LMC) or blackouts happen on the surface though sometimes on rare occasions they can also occur as the diver nears the surface. In the last ten metres the diver should be accompanied by the safety...

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Being a good buddy

How to be a good buddy. Discussion of shallow water black out(SWB) in the last post brings us to another important part of elementary free dive training; namely buddy skills. Proper training. Obviously for a training partner to be reliable, they should be well trained...

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Some effects of pressure…

Basic physics as related to free diving and shallow water blackout To free dive safely an elementary understanding of physics and the effects of pressure is needed. At the basic level to avoid shallow water blackout and in more advanced training to avoid lung squeeze...

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