The Blue Earth Village Yoga Shala is a beautiful space with incredible views of Gunung Agung and Jemeluk bay.
These views are the primary reason we chose this place as a home for the Blue Earth Village space.
Please check Instagram / Facebook / Google updates for class schedule and weekly workshop updates.
BOOKINGS: There’s no need for previous booking, you can show up 5 -10 min before your desired class and check in at reception.
Apneista approach to Hatha Yoga
We don’t stick rigidly to any current in contemporary Yoga but believe in adapting class content to the level of group and mood, whenever possible adapting to the specific therapeutic needs or or personal interests of the student, be it surfing, freediving or simply being healthier and happier.
We follow a fluid approach to Yoga Asana that’s strong on postural alignment without neglecting the breath, which combined with Bhanda is used to explore the subtler aspects of Asana. Whether dynamic and restorative, we believe Asana should be an exploration of the mind body connection and never something competitive or purely physical.
The breath and focused intention are our principle tools for deepening asana into a truly meditative practice, a process which the teacher should guide but never dominate. For this reason any adjustments are discrete and non-invasive, less often being more in the art of adjustment.

The fact that we also teach free-diving (breath-hold diving) means strong emphasis is placed on the breath. We see the breath as a tool for exploring asana and asana as a tool for exploring the breath. With the breath as our vehicle we try we bring our awareness to the subtler side of Yoga and develop our Asana into a truly transformative practice.
Though we also teach practices aimed specifically towards the needs of Surfers, we believe Asana should always be achieve something more than just strength and flexibility, it should help create some inner stillness.
Yoga & Freediving
For years freedivers having been using techniques of yoga to improve their freediving abilities, indeed every aspect of yoga has some benefit for the freediver, be it asana for strength and flexibility or pranayama and meditation for increased mental and respiratory control.
Less obvious are the benefits of free-diving for the Yogi though they are equally profound. The most obvious of which is increased awareness and control of the breath. Vimalanada the famous Tantrik master used to teach pranayama through immersion in the Indian ocean. But there are less obvious benefits too. The fact that the apneist has limited oxygen obliges them to become capable of fluid and meditative movement, with minimal superfluous mental and physical activity. This has a subtle yet profound effect on a person’s asana practice.