very close indeed….

We are very near to completing what will be Bali’s first purpose built free-diving and yoga space.  For the attached organic cafe we are very honoured and privileged to be boasting a sign gifted to us by the lovely Flora Bowley. A special thanks to her, it was great to hang out with her the last few days.

Flora Bowley is incredibly talented painter, also running painting retreats and  something of a publishing phenomena,(no 1 on Amazon). So obviously all of her fans will have to come to Amed to see her work…;) We’re here and we have her sign…

Anyhow here are some pics that capture the near completion of the building project. I’ll be out of contact for the next two weeks for some peace and quiet, so expect a short wait on replies…

The Mammalian Dive reflex, conversations with Sebastian Murat.

Sebastian Murat was recently in Amed, Bali, while preparing for his 703 ft no limits world record attempt.

Knowing that Sebastian Murat is not really an exponent of the Yogic school of free-diving I was expecting an uber-focused competitive athlete.  It was a pleasure to hang out  with Seb and see how little he is focused on the numbers.

I have always wanted to to put some questions to him regarding his intense research into the Mammalian Dive reflex. Our conversations were quite long and meandering so I’m not going to offer a transcript here.

Just some of the interesting points as I see them.One thing that I was particularly interested in was that since he started training using FRC techniques Seb has had no incidents of lung endema (squeeze) that he is aware of. This coincided with giving up on lung packing. Something we looked into in a previous blog

Basically the question is why would one dive with less air, especially on extremely deep dives.

The simple answer is that the MDR is stronger, which means that the body is more efficient in it’s use of O2. In Seb’s view this increased MDR balances the fact of going down with less air.

Another benefit is the lack of Nitrogen Narcosis at extreme depth and lesser likelihood of Shallow Blackout on reaching the surface. The decreased expansion of the lung volume upon surfacing means there is a less dramatic drop in air and blood. With a strong MDR there is also increased brain cooling which reduces O2 consumption.

Which is something that Seb is spending a lot of time doing these days, researching the cooling effect on the brain and exploring the MDR as a short term hibernation. A lot of Seb’s energy these days goes into medical research, something which is great for the rest of us.

I want to come back to some of this stuff in greater detail in another blog. To see how Seb is doing check the french job website.

Sebastian Murat’s world record attempt.

With so much energy and time going into getting the space finished I just got round to looking at the website for Sebastian Murat’s world record attempt.The publicity around it is all a bit hyper for such a cool and down to earth guy, we wish him the best of luck with the dive and the circus around it.

Recently Sebastian Murat was with us in Amed, while training for his no limits world record attempt at over 700 feet.

Some people newer to free-diving may not have heard his name, but Seb is one of the most interesting guys in the sport, devoting the last years of his life to exploring the Mammalian Dive Reflex(MDR). His training and deep research has focused on the MDR  in all its aspects, investigating the medical applications of the MDR and breaking and attempting records using less than a full lungful of air.

This attempt at over 200 metres depth on one breath will be performed in FRC, that’s to say less than one breath. This is something that many would consider as counter intuitive and maybe even a little insane.

Unsurprisingly I had a few questions for him and even managed to drag myself away from the building site to hang out with him and test his no limits retrieval system.

His approach is decidedly minimalist. Basically it involves grabbing hold of some rigid buoys built to withstand high pressure. When they are released you shoot to the surface.

He’ll be using this beautifully simple system to rocket to the surface from 200+ metres.

Another interesting thing about Sebastian Murat’s approach is that since starting to dive using exhale/FRC techniques he has never had a squeeze. Something he previously had a couple of times when practising full lung diving with packing.

As there is lot of interesting things to be learnt from a career spent studying and developing the Mammalian Dive reflex, we’ll come back his ideas on another blog shortly..





latest pics of the evolving space…

For those of you who have been asking  for the latest pics, we have finally got round to uploading a couple. As the connection is heartbreakingly slow today, there’s only three. Sadly none to show just how close we are to some of Indonesia’s best water for free-dive training.

Bali’s first purpose built yoga and free-diving space is close to popping…

getting to blank canvas….

The last few days have been as busy as ever, apart from a brief respite playing with Sebastien Murats buoys it’s all been dust and paint and chopping wood. More about that after. But now things are starting to look really good. If Bali’s first purpose built free-diving and yoga space were a baby it would be about the 8 and a half month stage, here’s some pics.