Apneista Blog

Visualisation and Mindfulness Meditation

Nowadays, visualisation and mindfulness meditation are not uncommon terms. Even kids have heard of meditation and they know to sit and close eyes with index finger and thumb pressed together. They are both important tools and highly effective if practiced with...

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“Showing Up”- Yoga Teacher Training

The following blog is about practice and the importance of showing up. I have told this story so many times in yoga teacher training programs, workshops and certainly in a class. Every time someone is late for my class, it reminds me. I started yoga in an attempt to...

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Yoga teacher training workshop, Dristhi.

“Drishthi”is one of those terms you hear a lot if you go to any yoga classes. Even if you went to a meditation class, you’d often hear this term. It is roughly translated as focus point. In a yoga asana (posture) class, you may hear a phrase “Set your Drishthi” and it...

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Bali freedive courses in Russian…

Друзья! Этим летом на Бали, при центре Апнеиста, работаетрусскоговорящий инструктор по фридайвингу. Центр Апнеиста существуетуже более 4 лет, это был первый центр фридайвинга на Бали. Вдополнение к курсу по программе SSI делается упор на практики из йогии медитации и...

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