Freediving Blog

Bali freedive courses in Russian…

Друзья! Этим летом на Бали, при центре Апнеиста, работаетрусскоговорящий инструктор по фридайвингу. Центр Апнеиста существуетуже более 4 лет, это был первый центр фридайвинга на Бали. Вдополнение к курсу по программе SSI делается упор на практики из йогии медитации и...

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Freediving is for everyone…

In the last while we have seen plenty of examples of just how accessible free-diving is. Here's a pic of who was our oldest student to date, 65 years young Lloyd who surpassed his own expectations and gave me hopes of training my Dad.. Yesterday we had a very varied...

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Best place to learn free-diving in Bali….

Apart from the beautiful new training space right on the beach, as before we have the beautiful blue right in front. Which is why we came in the first place. Here's some random pics to show what the vibe is like free-diving at Apneista, Amed Bali.

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The best place for free-diving in Bali…

As we spend the next couple of days ironing out the last little things, here are some pics for those of you interested in making the trip to this beautiful corner of East Bali. The next few blogs will basically explore why Amed is such a great place to come and...

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The best place to learn to free-dive in Bali…

...has now been ritually cleansed with a new temple. The last week we've been teaching students of both yoga and free-diving, but it's really today that we have  moved into the space properly.  It was today, the day of the full moon that we made the proper offerings...

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Sebastian Murat’s world record attempt.

With so much energy and time going into getting the space finished I just got round to looking at the website for Sebastian Murat's world record attempt.The publicity around it is all a bit hyper for such a cool and down to earth guy, we wish him the best of luck with...

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