22ND – 31ST MARCH 2025

For 6 full days we will be navigating the sea of Cortez creating space for whatever mother nature chooses to gift us.
Mobula Ray Migration
In May / June there’s a 99% chance ofswimming with large aggregations of Mobula rays which congregate here in their 1000’s.
This is a truly spectacular sight as they glide effortlessly through the water and launch themselves into the air.
Sea Lions
We will have the opportunity to freedive with sealions, these curious mammals like to get up close and personal and are very fun to dive with as they twist and turn around you.
Whales, dolphins, whalesharks & orcas
The ocean here is brimming with life so whilst on the water we’ll keep an eye out
for whales, dolphins, whalesharks and even orca that are known to patrol here.
Pilates, Yoga, Breathwork and Freediving coaching
On land we will have daily yoga & breath-work sessions, freediving workshops, explore nearby sights, have a beach fire and also make time to just relax in our beautiful accommodation with roof terrace over looking the ocean.