Freediving Blog
Honing the mammalian dive reflex, MDR training techniques.
The mammalian dive reflex (MDR) is part of our evolutionary heritage that all humans possess to some extent. In extreme situations such as near drowning it helps by increasing our survival time, but normally in most people it is a reflex that lies dormant. Though...
Our latent aquatic heritage, the mammalian dive reflex.
The mammalian dive reflex (MDR) is a series of processes which reduce the use of O2 and conserve it for use by the vital organs. It is exhibited strongly in aquatic mammals (seals, otters, dolphins, etc.), but exists in a weaker version in other mammals, including...
Free-diving with mind, body and right awareness.
When people talk about the right equipment for free-diving normally they are talking about fins, lines,weights and wet-suits. These are all important for training, indeed essential in most cases, but the first and most important piece of equipment for successful...